6 Dec 2013

WEEK 12 ( final report progress )


  • To make a last touch up for this projects.
  • To make some correction on the coding.
  • To complete a chapter 1, 2 and 3 of the project report.


  • Some correction has been made for this coding. The " BMI " display on the LED cube is arrange at the beginning of the visualize. The number of animation design is increase from 13 to 20 design. The overall programming on this project is around 2100 lines that will attach on the final project report.
  •  For the final project report, chapter 1, 2 and 3 has been complete during this week. The content of the report is include with introduction, literature review and methodology.

  • To make a preparation of FYP 2 presentation week.
  • To complete a full project report.

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