8 Feb 2013

WEEK 4 ( literature review )

3D LED CUBE is a evolution from 2D DISPLAY. Before this, 2D DISPLAY is usually used in many electronic devices to display something. After that, 3D takes a part on the electronic technology world.

The first era of 3D LED CUBE is built the 3x3x3 pocket led. It just use 27 led to shown some text display or interactive design.  The cube's 3D construction is straightforward and easy to solder using the included jig and instructions. With use 27 led’s, the design or text that display is not too clear. It runs using a PIC16F690  and a piece of software written in VB.NET. [1]

After that, 4x4x4 LED CUBE has been introduced. 64 led’s has been used to show the 3D view. Many type of controller can be used to develop this project. PCB is one of the controller that been used. For example, Atmel Atmega16 microcontroller and AVR microcontroller. Each LED can be addressed individually in software, enabling it to display amazing 3d animations. On the programming side, many type of coding can be built for this project such as FPGA, matlab and c language. [2] 

Now 5x5x5 3D LED CUBE with 125 led’s has been choose for this project. It has two ways can be choose as controller for this project. Whether by PIC16F877A [3]    or by arduino controller board [4] .Have a same concept, but with a different works. C language with hex files will be use to run the program. The reason why will choose C language because it related with microcontroller interfacing subject that had been taken for all electric and electronic student in UniKL BMI. MPLAB IDE will be use as a software to run this program [5] . This unique way of displaying messages is a very eye catching and much more stand out compared to the two dimensional normal panel display

[1] http://www.instructables.com/id/3x3x3-LED-Cube/

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