25 Jan 2013

WEEK 2 ( abstract of the project )

The goal of this project is to create a three dimensional 5x5x5 array of blue LED which able to visualize 'WELCOME TO BMI'. This unique way of displaying messages is a very eye catching and much more stand out compared to the two dimensional normal panel display. The project is powered by the microcontroller PCB and use of C programming, able to display blue color visual images through the use of multiplexing and serial in, parallel out shift registers. The project also will be carry out with another ten interactive design according to the program and coding that will be developed, though not at its current cost of construction. The programming will then process the necessary data and output to the 125 LEDs to be used in the 3D array.This idea can be apply in the field of advertising, toys and for interactive animation. The future improvement will most likely consist of interactivity between the cube and the user.